Create a paid Telegram channel or group
If you want to monetize your Telegram content, you will need to set up a paid Telegram chat or group. In this section, we will show you how to create and connect them to your BotSubscription-powered bot.
What is a Telegram Channel?
If you wish to start a paid membership service in Telegram, chances are that you're going to use a channel to deliver your premium content to your members.
"Channels are a tool for broadcasting public messages to large audiences. In fact, channels can have an unlimited number of subscribers."
Some of the advantages of using channels are the unlimited number of subscribers and posting by administrators only. By default, channels are anonymous - the messages are signed with the channel's name and not yours, although you can optionally add your name. Comments are also supported, giving us an experience very similar to what we're used to with popular social media, such as Facebook. There are two types of Telegram channels:
- Public channels are accessible to all users, whether they are subscribers or not. Public channels have a username, appear in search results, and have their unique URL. Public Telegram channels are a great solution to promote your product or service.
- Private channels are closed communities – you need to be added by the owner or get an invite link to join. Private Telegram channels are great for publishing your paid content.
Create a Telegram channel:
Enter a name for your channel (required), description (optional) and set a profile picture (optional).
Congratulations! Your Telegram channel has been successfully created.
- Open Telegram and:
- (iOS) Tap the icon in the top-right corner in Chats.
- (Android) Tap the circular pencil icon in the chat list.
- (Windows Phone) Tap the '+' button on the bottom bar.
- Click on 'New Channel'.
- Enter a name for your channel (required), description (optional) and set a profile picture (optional).
- Select channel type - Public or Private. For channels where you post premium content, select Private.
- Congratulations! Your Telegram channel has been successfully created.
What is a Telegram Group?
How do Telegram groups differ from channels? A group on Telegram can have a maximum of 200,000 members. These groups can be used by teams to coordinate work, families and friends to communicate, and businesses to communicate effectively with their customers.
Create a Telegram group:
- Open Telegram and:
- (iOS) Tap the icon in the top-right corner in Chats.
- (Android) Tap the circular pencil icon in the chat list.
- (Windows Phone) Tap the '+' button on the bottom bar.
- Click on 'New Group'.
- Select all the group members (at least one, preferably your bot) you want to add to the group.
- Enter a name for your group (required) and set a profile picture (optional).
- Congratulations! Your Telegram group has been successfully created.
Create a Telegram Bot and Connect it to BotSubscription
To kickstart your monetization efforts on Telegram using BotSubscription, you'll need to create a Telegram bot and integrate it with BotSubscription. Follow these steps to get started:
Create and Connect Your Telegram Bot: Head over to the BotSubscription documentation on creating a Telegram bot. This guide will walk you through the process, from creating your bot to seamlessly integrating it with BotSubscription.
Add the Bot to Your Channel or Group: After successfully connecting your bot to BotSubscription, include it in your Telegram channel or group. This allows the bot to regulate access based on subscription status. Utilize the /addchat command within your bot to seamlessly connect it to your desired channel or group.
- Note: Some Apple devices may encounter difficulties using the buttons in /addchat. If you face issues with the buttons, you can manually add your bot to the channel or group. Although the buttons are provided for convenience, they are not mandatory. Simply ensure that your bot is added directly to the channel or group with sufficient admin rights. Refer to troubleshooting adding chats for further assistance.
- Additionally, if you experience difficulties adding a group to your bot, ensure that this feature is allowed in your bot's configuration settings. Refer to Allow your bot to be added to groups for guidance on configuring your bot appropriately.
Next Steps
If you have already created your bot and linked your channels or groups, you can proceed to the next steps in setting up your monetization strategy. Refer to the BotSubscription documentation on setting up your bot to learn how to configure subscription plans, install payment methods, and more.
By following these steps and utilizing the resources provided in our documentation, you can efficiently establish your Telegram bot and seamlessly integrate it with BotSubscription, paving the way for effective monetization of your channel or group.