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Access Tokens

Create and Use Access Tokens


Access tokens are a great way to grant someone free access to your service. There are several reasons why you might want to use them:

  1. Extend trial periods: If users need more time to try out your service, you can use access tokens to give them extra days.
  2. Partnership or collaboration: Offering free access to partners or collaborators can help build relationships and foster mutually beneficial collaborations.
  3. Build community: By offering free access to a specific group or demographic, you can create a sense of community and encourage participation among members.
  4. Accept offline payments: If users have paid in a way that's not supported by BotSubscription, you can use access tokens to grant them access.
  5. Run giveaways: You can use access tokens as prizes in your giveaways.

Access tokens are linked to your existing plans and last for the same duration as the plan. For example, an access token linked to a monthly plan will provide 1 month of access. Each token can only be used once and is automatically invalidated after use.

If you change your mind, you can always delete any access token you've created.
You can create a single token, or several at once in bulk.

Important note for percentage-based billing plans

Access tokens are provided free of charge and do not require an upgrade to your plan or any additional fees. However, please use them reasonably and not as a primary means of settling payments. Access tokens should work alongside your main payment gateways, not replace them.

It's important to note that this applies only to bots that are on a percentage-based billing plan only. If you're on a fixed-price plan, this doesn't apply to you.

Create an access token

To create a new access token in BotSubscription, simply type /members and select "Add/Delete access token", then choose "Create new".

Creating a new access token in BotSubscription
Steps to create a new access token in BotSubscription
Select 'Create new' to generate a new access token
Click 'Create new' to generate a new access token in BotSubscription

Choose the plan that you want to link your access token to from the list. This will determine the duration of the token and the level of access that the user will have. In our example, we want to give a user access to our community for half a year, so we select the 'Gold' plan.

Access token plan selection
Select the plan to link your access token to

How many access tokens would you like to create? If you only need one, select "Just one".
If you need multiple tokens, select "Multiple" and choose the number you require.

Create one or many access tokens
Generate one or multiple access tokens for your account

For the purpose of this article, I'll create 15 access tokens

Creating multiple access tokens
Steps to create 15 access tokens

Once you're done, the bot will send you a .csv file with all 15 access tokens.

Access tokens CSV file download
Download the CSV file containing your access tokens

You can open this file using a spreadsheet editor of your choice. If you don't have one installed, you can try using an online CSV preview service. Alternatively, if you're comfortable working with .csv files, you can open it with any text editor.

CSV file containing access tokens
Download and view the CSV file containing access tokens

The "Access Token" column contains the codes that users can use to activate their membership manually. However, there is a simpler and recommended way to activate access tokens. Just click on the link provided in the "Link" column and start the bot. This will automatically activate the access token, and the user will have their membership activated.

Remember that BotSubscription treats access tokens like regular paid plans. Users will receive renewal reminders and their membership will expire at the end of the period. If you need to revoke or remove access to an access token, you can do so by deleting it in the "Add/Delete access token" section of the bot.

Zero-Priced Orders

By default, access tokens created in BotSubscription are not priced, meaning they are not factored into affiliate commissions and are excluded from the /analytics module. However, you have the option to turn off the zero-price option for your access tokens. When this option is turned off, the access tokens will inherit the price of the plan they are linked to.

Switch between zero-priced and plan-priced access tokens
Toggle between zero-priced and plan-priced access tokens in the admin panel

Use Access Token

Ready to use your access token? Just click on the link sent by the bot and make sure to hit the "Start" button to activate it. Once you press the "Start" button, your membership will be instantly confirmed. A notification will be sent to you, along with buttons to access all available channels with just one click.

Auto-Delete if not used

Admins can now set a timer (in days) for auto-deleting issued and unused access tokens. By default, access tokens remain valid until they are used or manually deleted, regardless of how much time has passed. With the new auto-delete feature, admins can ensure unused tokens are automatically removed after a specified period, enhancing security and reducing administrative overhead.

Note that changing the setting affects all existing tokens, regardless of when they were created. For example, if you set the timer to 14 days, 8 days pass, and you then change it to 2 days, those tokens will be deleted accordingly.

Auto-Delete if not used button for access tokens
Screenshot of the 'Auto-Delete if not used' button for access tokens in settings


Are there any fees for creating and using access tokens with BotSubscription, compared to other membership services?

No, BotSubscription doesn't charge any fee for creating or using access tokens. We aim to provide our users with a cost-effective solution for managing memberships, and that includes providing access tokens free of charge.

Are access tokens only available in BotSubscription's high-tier plans, like with some other services?

Access tokens are available for all plans in BotSubscription, including the percentage-based ones. There is no need to upgrade to a higher-tier plan to access this feature.

Limited Access Token Usage

BotSubscription's "Limited Access Token Usage" policy ensures fair usage and compliance with our terms of service. This article aims to provide a clear understanding of this policy and its impact on your bot's functionality.

Limited Access Token Usage

To maintain a sustainable ecosystem, BotSubscription has implemented a policy to regulate the usage of access tokens. This policy ensures that access tokens are not misused to violate our terms of service or circumvent payment obligations.

Dynamic Calculation

The limitation on access token usage is not defined by a specific numerical value but is instead dynamically calculated based on your bot's activity. It is important to note that access tokens should not be primarily utilized as a means to settle payments. By adhering to this guideline, you can typically operate within the established limits without any issues.

Consequences of Excessive Token Usage

If the system detects excessive reliance on access tokens as the primary method of payment settlement, access to this feature may be temporarily suspended. It is important to understand that your bot's core functionalities, including payment processing, will remain unaffected. Only the access token feature will be temporarily disabled. In due course, if sufficient real payments are made to compensate for the access tokens issued, the feature will automatically be restored. Alternatively, bot owners can expedite the restoration process by upgrading to a higher-tier plan.


BotSubscription's Limited Access Token Usage policy ensures fair usage and compliance within our platform. By understanding the limitations, benefits, and consequences associated with access token usage, you can effectively manage your bot's operations. Should you have any further questions or require assistance, our dedicated support team is here to help.