Extending Memberships
As an admin of a Telegram membership community using BotSubscription, there may come a time when you need to extend your members' memberships for various reasons. Whether your community experienced a challenging period, or you want to ensure continuous access despite a temporary slowdown in activities, extending memberships can be a valuable tool. In this step-by-step guide, we'll walk you through the straightforward process of extending your members' memberships using BotSubscription. With this powerful feature at your fingertips, you can maintain member satisfaction and foster a resilient and engaged community. Let's explore how to extend memberships and ensure your community's success!
Important Note for Recurring Subscriptions
For recurring subscriptions, the membership's due date is managed locally by the bot. However, when a customer signs up, the payment gateway (e.g., PayPal or Stripe) agrees to charge them on a regular basis, let's say monthly. So, if a user signs up on the 1st of August, the payment gateway will charge them again on the 1st of September, 1st of October, and so on. In a normal situation, the local bot due date and the payment gateway charging date are in sync. However, if the admin changes the date when memberships expire, these two dates might no longer match.
Here's how it works: Let's say the bot has the customer's membership valid until the 10th of August, while the payment gateway still charges them on the 1st of each month. In the next billing cycle, the customer will be charged on the 1st of September, but their membership will be extended until the 10th of September. This pattern will continue, where the billing date remains the same, but the end date for the membership changes. In short, the customer will have extra days at the end of their membership when the subscription is canceled.
Extending Membership for a Single Person
To change the membership renewal date for a specific member, follow these simple steps:
- Type
in the chat and select the "Edit Payment Date" button from the displayed options.

- The bot will show you a list of all your members. You can either:
- Choose the member from the list whose membership renewal date you want to change.
- Send the member's ID as a text message if you know it.

- Once you select the member, the bot will display their current renewal date. Enter the new renewal date in the format dd.mm.yyyy, for example, 01.12.2023 for 1st of December 2023.

And there you have it! You've successfully learned how to extend the membership renewal date for a single person using BotSubscription. By following these simple steps, you can easily manage individual membership dates to accommodate changes and ensure a seamless experience for your members.
Extending Memberships for Everyone
In this section, we'll guide you through the process of extending memberships for all your members. Let's dive in and ensure all your members continue to enjoy their membership benefits hassle-free.
- Type "/members" in the chat and select the "Extend Memberships Duration" button from the displayed options.

- After clicking the "Extend Memberships Duration" button, the bot will prompt you to enter the desired duration for the membership extension. Simply send a text message specifying the duration you would like to extend the memberships with. For example, you can enter "1 day," "2 weeks," "3 months," or any other duration that fits your requirements.

Fantastic! With the simple step of specifying the desired membership extension duration, BotSubscription will seamlessly handle the rest behind the scenes. Your members' memberships will be extended according to the specified duration, ensuring uninterrupted access to your exclusive content and services.