AI can now interpret images/screenshots to assist with visual data.
Free eGoods for Members: You can now offer eGoods for free to users with active memberships, enhancing member benefits.
Webhook Plus Add-On: Forward more events to your web servers, giving developers enhanced tools to create custom apps within BotSubscription.
Export AI Knowledge Base: Download your AI’s knowledge base as a .csv file.
{MEMBERSHIP_STATUS} Placeholder: Display the member’s current plan, remaining days, and more.
Core Directive for AI Assistant: Customize your bot ’s behavior with this powerful prompt, supporting placeholders to tailor interactions.
Business Description for AI Assistant: Help your AI understand and represent your business better by adding a detailed description of your company and services.
Filter Messages with Links: Enable this option to prevent the bot from forwarding any messages containing links to the admins or support group.
#u Hashtag for Human Assistance: The bot now uses the #u hashtag when users request human support after an AI reply.
eGoods in /start Menu: Add eGoods to the /start menu, just like plans, making it the first thing users see when they open your bot.
AI Answer Quality: Major improvements in the accuracy and quality of AI responses.
Renewal Notices: If renewals are paused (e.g., due to membership override), the bot will now inform users not only that renewals are unavailable, but also when they will be able to renew.